Bipin Babu
3 min readSep 18, 2021

“It has always annoyed me, the very fact that we are unable to visit those places we’ve always wanted to see, either because we are restrained by our financial situation or an arduous Visa process.”

Man on a map

What could we possibly achieve by shutting down borders and defining boundaries? We assert blindly that this land and hence the resources they possess are ours just because we were born here or settled before everything started. A change in perception would reveal, that this is what we are implying from our actions.

Consider this for example, a baby born in a Country “Alpha”. I accentuate here that the baby is born empty-handed and not with any property, documents or NOC. Country Alpha gives the baby a citizenship, a religion, some obnoxious restrictions. The baby grows up to be a girl and she starts filling up her bucket list. One by One, she started striking it off, until she reached a task - Settle in Country “Yankee”.

Her family is not financially sound and her income barely keeps her monthly necessities from drowning her. She tries her best to elevate her quality of life. She finds a much better job, and yet the idea of settling in her dream country is ages away. How will she realise her dream? What about her bucket list? And suppose she somehow manages to visit Yankee, what if she now wishes to settle in country “Zulu”?

I have no intention in criticising any country or people here. All I am trying to achieve is share my idea of a perfect world so that you can compare the present situation you and I are in, with an ideal world of tomorrow.

Girl enjoying nature

“My ideal world has no geographical restrictions. There is no limit in traveling. There may/may not be citizenship. nobody’s birth-right is denied.”

We have to understand that deep inside, we are just the same. Where we took birth or where our elder generations were born decides our outer texture not the true essence. Speaking different languages or praying different gods doesn’t make us different. We have equal rights and freedom. we’re all the same. It is very hard to reflect and digest this idea for some, but the fact remains the same.

Some people are born in places with little resources and choices. There has been famine.But they are not allowed to leave the country. Both of us know there are countries with such apalling ideologies and practices. Many defectors from those countries have revealed that a so-called Regime is actually a tyrant and the basic freedom of expression or motility is being denied. Many people doesn’t even know other countries exist. They don’t have electricity, internet or proper education.This is just one example i am taking out to de-structure the situation.

A homeless man

We don’t realise the need for “Geographical Freedom“, mostly because we’ve never had such a dire necessity.

I am not saying if they leave that place their life would be beautiful, but what if it did? What if it could save lives. Some of the defectors of many such countries are now living like celebrities, enjoying anything and everything their new world has to offer. Think about others who didn’t risk it. Ultimately it is not the tyrant or the people who should be blamed, but ourself.

On the contrary, we build huge walls around, curbing the freedom of any individual born here just like us. Countries spend millions on building walls so that they can prevent the so-called “Intruders”!!!

Oh! what a world...

“Small creatures we are, trying to enjoy this world as much as we can in a short span of 50–60 years . Crazy are we- they say, the ones who passed away with “nothing” — so think! It’s time…

